Based on the multiple sides and years field experiments, fairly complete analysis on the present situation of fertilizer application have been made in Heilongjiang province. The result showed that the present ratio of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers application to the farm land is 1:1; 通过多点多年田间试验,对黑龙江省化肥现状作了比较全面的分析,结果表明,黑龙江省目前农田使用化肥氮磷比例为1∶1;
Effect of Complete Silicon Fertilizer on Rice Yield 水稻全价硅肥的应用技术及效果研究
The methane release fluxes from paddies in complete rice growth period have been monitored in Wali County of Beijing City from 1990 to 1992. Different fertilizers were applied in the fields in order to test the effect of organic and chemical fertilizer on methane emission. 在1990&1992年期间中国环境科学研究院观测了北京地区洼里乡的稻田中甲烷的排放情况。其间农田中施用了有机堆肥和几种化学肥料,以观察化学肥料和有机肥料对甲烷排放的影响。
The complete nutrients specific fertilizer A for cotton was selected from experiments conducted in 1996, based on which we continued to study the effect of differen applying methods on output. 为进一步开发棉花专用全价肥的增产效应,在1996年试验基础上,对筛选出的棉肥A进行使用方法研究。
In pot-cultivation tests of cole, complete stochastic region design of two factors was applied and the influence of different fertilizer of phosphorus solution bacteria in calcareous soil of North was studied on yield and quality of cole. 通过油菜盆栽试验,采用两因素完全随机区组设计,研究了在北方石灰性土壤上分别施入不同解磷菌肥对油菜产量和品质的影响。
The orchard the dynamic chassis can not only complete rotary tillage fertilizer, plant protection, picking, cutting, ditching and fertilizing and other major farming project, and has the advantages of simple operation, safe and reliable. 使果园动力底盘不仅能够完成旋耕混肥、植保、采摘、割草、开沟施肥等主要农事项目,而且操作简便、安全可靠。
Straw contains a variety of mineral nutrients necessary for crop growth elements and organic matter composition of a complete fertilizer. 秸秆中含有作物生长所必需的各种矿物质营养元素及有机质成分,是一种完全肥料。